in TV

Episode 39: Nirvana in Fire

The last episode… maybe?

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, Serena could not go to Peter’s house to record, so her audio is a little crappy. Sorry!

Nirvana in Fire

  • Wikipedia Link
  • Show Link – English subbed version – the version Serena watched
  • English dubbed version – only found out about it after the episode was recorded, and neither of us has watched it, so we can’t guarantee the quality

Show links

Find us here

  • on our website: – available until 20th August 2021
  • Episodes will remain up until the end of January 2021 (unless you guys let us know you want more episodes)
  • on Twitter: @TriggerPointFM – so even if the website is down, you can still message us on Twitter
  • on Email: [email protected] – this will also only be available until the 20th August 2021
  • Find Serena on her website

Parting words

This has been a delightful four years, thank you for sticking with us!
As we said on the show, send us a line, don’t be shy, tell us what you think!
Although we are not planning on doing any more episodes, don’t unsubscribe; you don’t know what might surprise you.

Anyway, bye again, and know that Peter and I will continue to discuss books, movies and TV shows until the wee hours of the morning, even if we don’t record it.

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