in Podcast

Moving forward

I know it’s been years since I posted, but I thought I should summarise some of the changes that have been happening/will be happening.

I’m not sure how many people have noticed, but since the podcast has been put on permanent hiatus, the podcast feed has been moved to

And very shortly, the website will be moving to

This is because both website and podcast hosting, while not exorbitantly expensive, are still ongoing expenses. And ones that don’t make financial sense when a podcast has been put on hold for years.

We could have just deleted the website and the podcast and moved on, but this was something we worked on for years, and it seemed a shame to just get rid of it when there were alternative hosting options around.

The old URL is expiring soon (20th August 2024), which means all the existing links pointing to will soon be broken. I don’t see myself updating the links in all the show notes, but know that all the show notes are archived at the new WordPress site.

The old email addresses also won’t work, but triggerpointfm @ is still active, and you can always use the contact form.

Again, it’s been a pleasure to entertain you all, and who knows, maybe there’ll be another update post in another four years.

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