Episode 03: The Dispatcher

Peter wasn’t able to watch Stranger Things in time for this episode, so we talk about John Scalzi’s latest book, “The Dispatcher”, instead.

Peter complain about his first experience with audiobook, and we record in a McDonald’s overseas.

And those repeated comments about me not editing the recording before publishing? I lied. I couldn’t just send out a raw file like that, so this episode had to wait till I could edit it back in Australia.

The Dispatcher

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(Peter promises to watch it by next episode)

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Episode 02: Ajin

After watching the Netflix Original Series, Ajin, Serena and Peter discuss the CG animation, plot-driven characters and plot holes the size of small states.


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Stranger Things [Wikipedia ][Netflix]

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Episode 01: Ender’s Game

In this first episode of the Trigger Point podcast, Serena and Peter talk about Ender’s Game – both the book and the movie. They’d also talk about how they usually “read”.

Ender’s Game

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Ajin [Wikipedia ][Netflix link]

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